First and foremost I'm thankful that I have a Creator God who made me and then died on the cross for my sins. Without that perfect and free gift I would be nothing- my life would mean nothing and I would have nothing to live for!
After that I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who provides for me and allows me to stay home with my beautiful baby girl. Who is the third thing that I am thankful for. God made me wait to have her longer than I would have liked, but I'm even thankful for that, because I did so much growing in the 2 years that we prayed and waited for her. I can't imagine that I would love and appreciate being a Mom as much as I do if I would have just gotten what I wanted when I wanted it. I'm thankful, too, for our wonderful families. To my inlaws who grew up such a great son! I'm continually thankful for the great work ethic and the $ sense that you taught him! And to my Mom and Dad, I love how they've always been there for me, no matter what. They are there to encourage and to press me on to bigger and better things for the Lord. My sister and my sister in law are great godly women and I love how I can call them and talk to them about anything for hours on end!! (plus, i just love how much they love my daughter!!) And my brothers are great...they're so much fun and they have welcomed my husband in with open arms- no atomic wedgies for him!(which we are both very thankful for!!) ;)
I'm also thankful for my wonderful church family and friends. I have been continually blessed by our Pastor's teaching and so encouraged, blessed, and "spurred on" by the Bible Studies that I have been a part of through IBC. I'm so thankful that God led us here a few years ago! My friends have been great and a constant source of fun and good christian examples of what I want to be when I grow up!!! I love my great neighborhood, too, and my fun little house. I'm so thankful that the Lord has placed me here and allowed me to create a home for my family!!
I'm so thankful for so many things, but at the moment my little blessing is sitting on the floor crying, so I guess I'll just finish my thank you God list in my head!!
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