Monday, October 12

Just another manic monday...

Today I sort of felt like I was living in this song...Hailey has been pretty much a bear today and we just had so much to do. I was really wishing that it was only Sunday and that the week hadn't really started! Korey did have the day off, which was nice, but it's still the first day of the week and usually the day that I go grocery shopping and get a lot of work done around the house! Unfortunately with a teething baby who has a cold, I didn't get much accomplished. Oh does that poem go...dust and cobwebs can wait til tomorrow, I have a baby who will grow up great to my sorrow! (or something like that) I am glad that I read in my book, Surrender, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, because I really needed to be reminded, today, that my time is not mine. It is God's and He can orchestrate how He wants me to use it- whether that is rocking a cranky baby and reading the same two books over and over again, or cleaning my house, or even making dinner or talking to a friend. Here I am, Lord, take my life and use it. Take my time, my energy, and my gifts, use them all as you please! Just let me honor You with them.
Now, I am going to go and rock my baby who is done playing with her food! :)

the poor thing...her tooth is really hurting her, she's biting pretty much anything she can get her little mouth on! :(

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