Saturday, May 12

auntie fysh

My kids get absolutely giddy when their auntie fysh comes to visit :)
she snuggles, she cuddles, she smiles and coos
mommy gets really happy, too!
she's mostly thankful for the help and someone to take over some of her "jobs"
(woohoo for the babies getting a bath more than once a week) ;) 
she's always doing fun and girly things- like painting fingernails and toenails!
 and loves watching movies and fun tv shows :)
did I mention that she likes to snuggle??
Someday I know that my sister, Felicia, is going to have children of her own and she's going to be a busy and overwhelmed mommy and I know that she's gonna love every minute of it and be the best mom in the whole world, but, honestly, I'll kinda miss all her help and support and encouragement! She is amazing and the best sister that any girl could ever ask for. I dearly hope and pray that someday my girls will have the kind of relationship that we have. 

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