Friday, August 7

kisses for Mommy

Hailey and I were having so much fun the other day, so I tried to get it on camera! I don't know if you can tell or not, but I really do love this little girl!! :) Even after last night when she kept me up for a good hour and a half crying! (I decided to just let her cry herself back to sleep and I finally couldn't take it anymore after an hour, but then it took a half hour to get her calmed down and back to sleep!!) Not sure what has gotten into her lately...she's just been pretty cranky at night and not sleeping so well! It isn't as if she didn't get good naps the last few days- we haven't gone anywhere but the neighbor's pool since Tuesday!! So, hopefully it is just a stage and she'll grow out of it soon. Korey's pretty sure that she's teething and I sort of am hoping that he's right. At least then we'll have a reason! but, I did feel in her mouth this morning and I still cant' find anything, so I don't know! I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens and how it all goes!

Here's my beautiful little peanut playing on the floor. I just loved this little dress and the adorable matching bow! As you can tell, it's still kind of cold, so she had to wear socks with her dress. I don't know what the deal with summer is this year...but, I sure could use some real summer days!! Enough of this cold stuff!!

Isn't she doing well with sitting?? I feel like each day she gets better and better at it. Although, I was thinking that she was doing really well until I put her down at the library and she fell forward while I was looking at books...and, if it's not bad enough that I was neglecting my child while looking for books- she hit her head on the metal shelves and started absolutely screaming. Needless to say the ladies and all the other patrons in the library weren't my best friends! One of them came running over and the other one just stared at us...I did do my best to calm her down, but...apparently it wasn't enough. They kept remarking on her huge goose egg and how bad they felt for the "poor little peanut"! (not like I didn't feel bad enough on my own...I guess I needed them to help me feel more guilty!) So, the moral of this story is that you shouldn't take your daughter to the library until she can sit on her own- or unless she's small enough to still be in her carseat! (plus, you should always dress her in pink...three of them called her a little boy!)

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