Friday, November 2

messy, messy, messy

Sometimes creativity can be messy. Sometimes I let the "messy" take over and don't see the creativity or the beautiful masterpieces behind it. Sometimes I don't let my kids be kids. It seemed easier to let Hailey and Jackson be messy and play messy when I didn't have Maysen and Maelle. When life was a little easier; when it didn't take me 5 hours to empty the dishwasher, make my bed and create a menu. (yes, it truly did take me 5 hours to do those 3 simple things today) :) But, even thought it seems so much more overwhelming and adds so much more work to my life- I think there is still a need to just let them play and then to let them help clean up, afterwards. (even though it would, honestly, be easier to just do it myself) ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun time to me! I wish that fun was a little less messy though :-)
