Saturday, March 3

leap day

the one thing I find so amazing about my kids is the things they find super exciting and remember...
to try and do fun stuff with our "extra day" I had them use some fingerpaints and paint mailboxes, which was ok with them, but they soon grew tired of it...
 what they really wanted to do was play outside in the freshly fallen snow, but the m&m's were so crabby that I didn't think we'd even get all our stuff on before I had to take care of them, so I ended up bringing the snow inside for them and putting it in our bathtub! (one easy thing that they found super fun and exciting)

 then, when Daddy got home that night and asked Hailey what they had done that day she told him that we had made an obstacle course out of the furniture in our living room...something that I found very small and insignificant (in fact, I only did it to get myself a few seconds to sit down with my Bible and coffee).
We also started a new "treat" thing where Hailey gets to pick a piece of paper with a special treat written on it when she is especially good or when she is especially helpful that day and the other day she got to pick one and it was to play trucks with Daddy...she and Jack have both been talking about this special truck of Korey's (a line truck) and were overjoyed when they got to get it down off the shelf and play with it! 
 curling up on the couch with the babies is also something that doesn't seem like a huge deal to me (since I get to do it at least 6 times a day) but Hailey just loved that she got to watch a movie with just her and the girls yesterday afternoon! 
more and more I'm beginning to see that it's not necessarily all the great and wonderful games you play with your kids or even the great crafts that you can come up with- it's just the little things that seem to mean the most to my kids!! Which, honestly, is a good thing, because I don't necessarily have the energy or the time to come up with great and wonderful crafts these days :)

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