Wednesday, February 29


14...the number of diapers I change in an average day
2...the number of loads of laundry we need to do a day to keep up
0...the number of loads of laundry that get folded and put away each day ;)
16...the number of times I fill up sippy cups with milk or juice
4...the number of kids that have completely stolen my heart
2...the number of times that Hailey has gotten vinegar on her tongue before she realized she should stop asking for the same thing over and over after I said, "be patient"
100...the number of times I repeat, "I'll do that when I'm done with_____, you need to be patient" 
94...the number of days that we have been a family of six
 8...the number of times I nurse the twins a day
1...(hour) the amount of time it takes to feed the girls each time
2...the days that all 4 kids have slept at the same time
17...the number of days that we have been fighting this flu/cold bug 
5...the time I get up each day to feed the girls and to have an hour or two of quiet to myself
10...the number of painted toe nails at our house
1...the number of my little brothers that are willing to come and brave 4 sick kids just to help his big sister out 
2...the number of "grandma's" that come up to help us out, regardless of weather and/or sickness
12...the number of days that have been overwhelming and I have felt like I'm floundering
0...the number of days that God hasn't provided me a "way out" when I'm overwhelmed and drowning in my life
3...the number of times Hailey and Jack took a shower and/or bath 2 Saturdays ago
26...the number of times I laugh at my life a day
1...the number of families I've found that have "beat" us with the amount of kids in such a short time- a mom of 5 under the age of 4 (she lives in the UK and the last two were twins) 
2...the number of friends I have that will soon have 4 children, also- woohoo! 
4...(hours) the amount of glorious time that Maysen and I got to spend together, just bumming around town doing nothing 
3...the number of times Hailey got up and walked into my room last night
2...the number of times I have rocked my 3 year old to sleep in the last 3 months
6...the number of words in mine and Hailey's new memory verse, "do everything without complaining or arguing"
1 bazillion...the amount of thankfulness and gratefulness I feel towards my friends- new and old- who have been an encouragement to my family since the girls came into being!

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