He's 6lbs. 12oz. and 18 1/2 inches long. Not too big; not too little- just the right size! :)
Monday, August 30
It's a boy...
He's 6lbs. 12oz. and 18 1/2 inches long. Not too big; not too little- just the right size! :)
Friday, August 27
small minds...
...are easily amused! :) And Hailey definitely is easily amused these days! She pretty much wants to do whatever I'm doing and as long as she can is as happy as a clam. :) So, with that in mind we've been getting all ready for the baby to come home...we put a little rocking chair for Hailey in the baby's room, right by my rocking chair, we bought her a little baby doll and a little carrier, and I made her a little wrap so that she can nurse her baby right along with me! I'm so excited for her to meet the new baby- it's gonna be great fun and I think she'll make a great big sister! :)
Wednesday, August 25
I'm having a hard time...
Sunday, August 22
sometimes it pays...
Friday, August 20
Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!
Thursday, August 19
all the rest can wait...
Hailey is not feeling well these days...she's had a fever for at least 2 days, now, and she's been incredibly snuggly and tired pretty much this whole week. My Mom even said today that it's nice to have the "snuggle time" with her, but it's so sad to see her so sick! :( So, needless to say, I have been doing a lot of snuggling and rocking of Hailey the past few days! Part of me has been loving every minute of it, but sometimes it's hard not to think about all the other stuff that needs to be done around the house. This evening Hailey woke up burning up and crying about an hour after she went to bed so I took her into our bedroom, turned on the a/c and spent an hour just snuggling with her in our bed. She fell asleep almost immediately and didn't even wake up when the dog jumped in to join us. It was such a sweet time for me, especially, when I started thinking about how little time I'll have to do that after Jackson makes his appearance! So, I just didn't think about the fact that the bathroom needed scrubbing, the floors needed vacuuming, the dog needed bathing, the dishwasher needed emptying, and the laundry needed doing and just focused on the sweet sleeping little princess clinging to my neck and prayed that God would give me more times like that!
Tuesday, August 17
But, what I'm really thankful for today is the fact that my doctor gave me some great news sy my appointment...he said that if everything looks good next week at my check up I may be looking at possibly getting my membranes stripped a week before my due date!! And, that is the most exciting news I've heard all week! My back has been killing me and I've been having a hard time walking- let alone picking up Hailey or putting her in her crib and the thought of getting this little guy out of my belly and taking some of the pressure off of my hips and back is very appealing! (especially since he's full grown and looking good!)
So, I'm really thankful for this little man that I'm carrying, but I'm super thankful for the fact that I may be able to meet him sooner rather than later! :)
Monday, August 16
pregnant bellies are beautiful???
Sunday, August 15
a little girl and her truck
Friday, August 13
goodbyes are always hard
"For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future." (Jer. 29:11)
so tired...
Tuesday, August 10
family fun
to hammin' it up and acting like the sweet little girl that we know she can be...
and watching Daddy, Uncle Will, Jace, and Aunt Kelly play on the go karts with Grandpa
It has been a fun filled last few days and we're hoping to have a few more great days with them before they start on the long trip back to Texas Thursday morning! Carin(my sister in law from Texas) and I are both pregnant and being outside in the heat has been pretty rough, but today we pampered ourselves and got pedicures, so that pretty much made all the heat worthwhile for me! I LOVE how great and relaxed my feet feel- plus, they are pink and have an adorable little flower on each big toe! Hopefully it'll last until I have the baby--it'll give me something cute to look at during labor! ;) hehehe...
Thursday, August 5
a little girls best friend
fortunately, Allie is a rather big dog, so she can take a little bit of "baby" abuse from Hailey, 'cause a few of her favorite things to do are lean on her when she's hanging around and "pet" her on the head! Poor Allie pretty much takes this all in stride, but she does enjoy "hiding" on our bed- the only place where Hailey can't follow her! :)
these two really are like siblings, though...I can't go to the bathroom without them both following me and if I shut the door Allie will push it open and they'll both come in and fight for the place right by my legs! If I sit down to read Hailey a story Allie will come and place her head right on my leg- just to let me know that she's there, too! If we feed Allie something Hailey will come and "beg" for something, too! The worst, though, is if I take one of them outside- the other has to be close at my heels so there's no chance they can be left behind! Poor Allie has definitely gotten the short end of the stick since Hailey's been born, but who wouldn't love this sweet little thing who says, "bye-bye Allie" everytime we leave and she's at home and races to the door when we get home to see her "doggie"??
Wednesday, August 4
switch it change it- rearrange it!
My dear friend gave Hailey the adorable "girly" bedroom set and we created the room around that! Thanks, Christina!
I brought in a few of her old pieces- her crib, dresser, diaper pail and toys, but all the rest is new! (even the new pink toy basket)
My sister painted two beautiful flowers and "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so" on the wall for Hailey! It turned out incredilby adorable!
And, now that Hailey is out of the nursery it was time to set it up for Jackson! Welcome to his new digs: