Monday, May 17


Ahhh...yes, what is it about being pregnant, having a little baby, or even just smiling and saying HI to someone that makes them think you are just waiting with baited breath for their great piece of advice??? ;) It's enough sometimes to make me want to do what Hailey's doing and just stick my head in the sand! But, lately I have been trying very hard to think about each piece of advice that I get and seriously consider the merits of putting it into practice. I definitely can't use each piece- or I'd just be running around in circles, since most of it is pretty contradictory! However, on my way home from visiting the lady who sold us our house, Lillian, at the senior apartments and once again being introduced and "made over" by each and every little old lady in the place- which, by the way, if you're looking for it is a great place to go for advice- I realized that there are a few pieces of advice that you never hear...and I think I know why! :)
So, here's my list of top ten pieces of advice that you never hear from the older generation:
(and I'm pretty sure I've heard most everything except for these) :)
1) spend a lot of energy and time cleaning your house so that it is spotless no matter when someone decides to pop in!
2) don't worry if you don't get enough time to snuggle and cuddle with your babies- do what makes you happy- go to work, take up a hobby, and get a babysitter whenever possible
3) be at church whenever the doors are open, be involved in all the ministries and outreaches
4) get your kids involved in as many sports and or activities as possible- don't give them a moments peace- just go, go, go!
5) cook from scratch meals with a vegetable and a bread at least 2 times a day
6) if someone offers you help don't take them up on it- you can do it all by yourself and should at least try really hard to! (and definitely do NOT ask for that help)
7) don't worry about visiting family and spending time with friends, you can make a go of it alone
8) don't take a rest and or nap in the afternoon when your baby does
9) don't eat that ice cream cone- it'll go straight to your hips
10) you can spoil your baby so don't pick her up when she cries or snuggle with her whenever she wants it!
Instead, this is what you often hear from these wise women:
1)it's your house, you live in it- why shouldn't it look like it?! In fact, a super sweet lady said to me today, "I learned that it's ok not to make your bed, because it's my bed and if people don't like that I don't make it they don't have to look in my bedroom!" Isn't that great?! :)
2)I miss all that running around and chasing after my babies...they're all grown up, now, and that seems so far away! Make sure you take all the time you can to play with your little girl! (and this from a 90 year old lady who should definitely know!)
3) spending quality time with God and teaching it to your kids about Him is more important work than the greatest missions work on the planet! (and this from a retired missionary lady...)
4)make sure you take lots of walks and spend plenty of time playing in the park with your little girl, she won't always like to be around you or have the time for you! (from one really great old man, who might just be a tad bit lonely...)
5)Can she have a cookie? Make sure you cut those hotdogs and grapes in half. Here's some leftover mac 'n cheese can she have some? Does she like ice cream?
6)Your mom will come and stay with you when the new baby is born, won't she?? You ask her to if she's not planning on it- for at least 2 weeks! :)
7)I hope you visit your own Grandma as much as us! It's so fun to get a visit from such a sweet little girl! (unfortunatley...I don't...)
8)Now you girls go home and take a nice nap- chasing after little ones is hard work!
9)You better have a cookie, too, you want your little boy to grow big and strong! :)
10)You snuggle and cuddle this baby whenever you can- hold her and rock her whenever she'll let you, this time goes by so quickly! (said Lilian with tears in her eyes and her arm around my waist...)
Aren't these pieces of advice better than the first set?? So, why, as mother's and as women do we feel like we have to live by the first set?? It was a real wake up call for me, today, to really HEAR and LISTEN to the advice that these wise women (and man) gave me! I hope I never forget to take the time to play with and rock my babies, to not get so busy "doing" that I forget what truly important in life---and it's not eating a 5 course meal that I spent hours preparing or being the best soccer mom or keeping the cleanest house or even being at church whenever the doors are open-it's spending time with my Lord and Savior and teaching my daughter, and soon my son of the importance of putting God first! Here's some great advice from the greatest Daddy of all, The Lord:
"Thou Shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And these commandments shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house; and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise!" Deuteronomy 6:5-7

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