Thursday, April 29

A Daddy's Love

Don't these two just look like they are having the greatest time??? Here is the man who is so "work" orientated and so "busy" with life, but will still take the time to sit on the couch and giggle with his daughter. I love it!! There is just something special about that bond between a Dad and his little girl...A Daddy's love is...
Is unending, makes Him do crazy things, is patient, is kind, is shown when he showers his children with gifts, makes him desire a relationship, creates a barrier to the rest of the world, is a safe haven to run to, is something that we all can believe in!

All of these things are Korey's love to Hailey, but more importantly they are God's love to me! I came face to face with this reality this week and as much as I've known it before I feel like it has been a complete life change this week! Maybe it's because I have seen it in a new light, but whatever the reason it has caused to me pause, take a moment, and reflect on what my Father's Love for me has "brought". First and foremost my Father's love brought me Eternal Life. He was crazy enough about me to give up His One and Only Son to die on the cross for my sins! God, the Father is kind to me. He blessed me with the greatest gift a woman could ask for- a wonderful husband, a beautiful baby girl and He has another gift waiting in the wings- my son. I couldn't ask for more than that! I feel so blessed. But, there are times when I forget about these gifts, or I don't see them as gifts, and it is at that time that I need the reminder. I see Hailey and her clingyness, her mess making and her general baby "neediness" and she doesn't feel like a gift from the Lord- she feels more like a hardship. And, there are times when I think that Korey's neediness, his mess making aren't very good gifts, either! But, those are the times that I am thankful that God placed me in a chuch where I can be encouraged to live my walk as a woman after God's own heart. I can learn to live my life knowing that nothing has come into my life that has not first passed through the loving hand of God. It is easy for me to think that Korey would never give Hailey an awful gift, or a gift that he knew wasn't right for her or a gift that would bring her harm; so why do I question God's gifts to me?? Doesn't He have more of my best interest at heart than Korey does for hailey...for sure He does! And, just like Romans 5:1-5 says, I need to constantly be reminding myself of the HOPE that I have in Jesus, rather than the trials that I am facing. Because HOPE brings encouragement, whereas focusing on the trials brings discouragement! This is my prayer for myself this week and hopefully you will pray this along with me! What a great and encouraging woman of God I would be if I kept my focus on God's goodness and grace, rather than on myself!!

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