Sometimes I just wish there were a place where you could sign up to get more contentment. It seems like you can buy anything over the internet these days, so maybe there should be a store that sells contentment. I'd be willing to bet I wouldn't be the only person shopping there! :) Unfortunately, though, it's not something that you can purchase or find on the store shelves. It seems a little more elusive than that! And yesterday I could have used a huge dose of it! It was just one of those know the're just bone weary of life! (or more specifically of YOUR life) Maybe I am the only one that feels that way...and, if so, just bare with me and join in praying that I would soon overcome it!
I'm not sure if I was even so much physically exhausted as I was emotionally just burned out. Hailey is cutting a few more teeth and either battling allergies or a cold, but for whatever reason she has been so "needy" lately. Apparently she's not like that for anyone else- she just reserves that for me- how lucky can I get??!! :) But, in spite of that, there was no good reason for my soul weariness. My Mom even came and babysat Hailey for a few hours for me and I got out of the house and was able to see one of my favorite people and dearest friends, but for my weary soul that wasn't enough. What I craved was someone to understand, someone to listen to me pour out all my whoes, someone to hold me and give me a hug, someone to care! Basically, what i was craving was some time with my One and Only Savior! However, instead of doing that I just kept plodding along, getting angry at Korey, resenting Hailey and wanting to kick the dog to the curb! Until last night, around 12, when God finally got through to my heart...and all it took was a screaming baby who finally gave up and fell asleep in my arms! And as I sat there silently crying and singing to my sleeping child I realized how often I am like Hailey. I cling so hard to the thing that pains me and I refuse to let God comfort me and bring me to the other side of my "trials" because I'm too busy having a pity party for myself and being angry to surrender my will to His! In essence- I need to learn contentment in the arms of my Savior! I ended up sitting there, holding Hailey and confessing my sin of stubborness and pride to the Lord. I'm so glad that He doesn't sleep and that He's always there when we need Him, because I don't know of anyone else who would have wanted to hear me confess anything to them at midnight! was a much better day! It seemed like the sun was shining brighter, Hailey slept until 9:15, we got a lot of necessary shopping done, I convinced the man at the grocery store to carry goat's milk for Hailey, and even the dog came in when I called her! (I think she was just scared to meet up with me yesterday...) ;) It's amazing what a small dose of contentment can do for your outlook on life!
Unfortunately, though, Hailey got her first fat lip, today! :( SAD day for the poor teething baby!
My prayer for myself today is that I would someday be able to wholeheartedly and unreservedly say: "For I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am in"
poor little darlin'! our youngest is named 'hailey',
this is such a sweet blog that i found through
keep up the good work, little mommy.