Thursday, July 1

birth plans, budgets, baby cradles, big sister...b is for boy!!

Well, our sons impending birth is only 10 weeks away...and the feeling is definitely not the same one that I experienced with Hailey! Or at least I don't remember thinking "yikes! there's just not enough time to get all of this stuff done!"
I went to the doctor last week and he asked, again, what my plans were for the baby and if I had people lined up to take care of her...basically a second momma "birth plan"!! I had to admit, rather sheepishly, that even though he had told me the month before that I had to come up with a plan that I hadn't done it! I have my next appointment this coming Tuesday and so I figured that if I didn't want to be embarrassed, again, that I needed to come up with a I did- just this morning! I guess, in a way it does feel pretty "freeing" but in another way it's rather scary and a little unsettling to think that Jackson's birth is close enough that we need to worry about it already!! I went in to see my friends from work, yesterday, and had to confess that although I had everything ready for Hailey way before she was born I didn't have anything ready for Jackson, yet! He might just end up sleeping in a laundry basket for the first few months of life...that'd be ok, right?!
Korey and I have always had a word that was very similar to a swear word in our house and that is BUDGET!! I don't know why, but there's just something in us that makes us cringe whenever we hear the word...but...with the impending birth of a second baby we're feeling like maybe it's about time to grow up and live our life on a budget! So, I came up with one was a little scary and it's probably not rigid enough for most "budgeters" but for us I think it might work- hopefully, anyways! Do you all have budgets? How do you make them work??

Hailey's getting herself all ready for being a big sister! She's been practicing feeding her elmo and pushing her dolls around in the baby stroller! She was even reading to her baby the other day- it was sooo cute! :) Here she made her aunt kelly and I put her in her carseat in the living room because she was so determined to "go"!! Obviously, the carset didn't get her very far, but she sure had a fun time getting in and out of it saying "go" louder and louder each time!!! Definitely a little girl who knows what she wants...she must get that from her Daddy! :)

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