Wednesday, July 20

so much to learn...

I've learned so much in the past 6 weeks (or so) since I saw these two little girls on our first ultrasound and not just how to read an ultrasound like a pro, all the best "twin" blogs and books out there, how to tell the difference between fraternal and identical twins, the amount of diapers that you will go through with twins in the first year, the incredibly huge weight gain I should be expecting, the words bedrest, but better things like- what true hope looks like and what living out that hope looks like in real life!

A verse in our study this week really spoke to me about how I need to be reacting and thinking about my pregnancy-

1 Peter 3:15

But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.

It is amazing the wide range of attitudes, expressions, and "well wishes" we've gotten from people concerning our pregnancy with the twins and I have been very convicted that often my response is very related to what I hear from each individual person. And, I have come to realize that not only does this response not help me with my attitude and doesn't glorify the Lord, it doesn't allow me to capitalize on the great opportunity that I have been given to introduce the world to the ultimate source of my hope- Jesus Christ! In the twins I have been given a great and wonderful opportunity to show everyone I meet what a life completely and utterly reliant on the Lord looks like and I need to capitalize on that opportunity! I often like to "justify" my lack of a good attitude in this pregnancy with statistics on twins or some other reasoning that I think makes some sort of sense, but in reality (I'm going to borrow Kristina Duran's words again)

"can we really be hopeful about anything temporary? It is critical that we set our hope FULLY and UNCHANGEABLY on Jesus and the grace to be brought to us at His revelation, and when we are doing that, the hope within us will radiate out to the world and will cause them to question. And when those questions come, we should be ready to answer them with gentleness and reverance."

I know that the future grace to be given me- heaven- and the grace that God gives us in this lifetime are my one and only reason for making it through any situation, but I often fail to make that a reality in my talking with others!
Pray with me that I will be more bold and more purposeful in sharing my hope with all the people I come into contact with!

Korey and I decided on Sunday that we have chosen a "theme" verse for our pregnancy (and probably the rest of our lives) and we're contemplating having it painted onto the wall of our family room so that we never forget what it is! :) (just kidding...we probably won't do that...)

It is 2 Thessalonians 2: 16, 17

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.

God really is our only hope for making it through this life at all and it is a good reminder to me that when I feel like I can't handle my life or anything else that God says to me, "Hope in Me, Jenni, Hope in Me!" And, I am so thankful for His grace in giving me the ability to hope in Him, because on my own I don't even have the ability to not freak out and worry and have hope- I just can't get beyond my own fears without the Lord's grace!

These little girls have been life changing for all of us at this house- in the best way possible and even if we never get to meet them in person I thank God that He allowed me the incredible opportunity for growth and maturity in my walk just by being pregnant with them!

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