Thursday, February 28

busy, busy, busy

we're always busy at the Konietzki house, but, the past few weeks we've been very busy trying to get the rental house all fixed up and ready to go!! Took all 4 kiddos over there a few days ago for the first time and they all enjoyed helping daddy and checking out every crack and crevice! I think the twins are gonna be "bunking" in the kitchen cabinets ;)
 sorry about the not so great picture phone doesn't take the greatest pictures- especially of incredibly fast moving children ;)
"where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay; Your people, shall be my people; and your God, my God." Ruth 1:16b
This was a verse that we had read at our wedding and at the time my incredibly smart mother in law said to me, "you know you have to mean this if you say it". At the time I was so in love and so enamored with her son that I didn't think anything more about it...but, the few times that our life has either been uprooted or there has been a potential for uprooting...I have always been brought back to this verse and my mother in law's wise words pop into my head. I wonder if she knew her son so well that made her say that or if she knew me well enough to know that following is not something that comes super easy to me. Either way, the momma is always right- and this time she was right on. I do have to mean it!
 Moving is not easy. Moving twice in the span of 4 months with 4 little kids is just plain crazy- not to mention incredibly stressful. But, I truly meant what I promised on my wedding day- where Korey goes, I'll go. Where he stays, I'll stay. Whether he likes it or not, he's stuck with me! Even in small, incredibly cramped quarters. Even on the very crabby, all 4 kids melting down in a small house days. Especially because there'll be no room to go anywhere away from each other :) We're about to embark on our new adventure...Saturday is the big day where we move all our big stuff!! woohoo! We'll be sleeping in new quarters this weekend :) Pray that the kids would just love their new surroundings so much that they sleep like sloths...never did get that sleeping like a baby- none of my babies were that awesome of sleepers!! 


  1. Super Cute Picture!
    Love the twins int he cupboard :)

  2. That is one of my favorite verses....regardless of where we are, if we're all together we're home.

    1. Love the kids in the cabinet. When Matt and I built a closet in our room, we put 4 large shelves, one atop the other, on one side...that was before we found out our latest cycled had worked, with the triplets. We still think we could use that as bunk beds ;-)

    2. hahaha, I would love to see your kids sleeping in a four tier bunk bed- how adorable would that be :)
