Monday, September 5

a nightgown from great grandma!

last year for Christmas my Grandma made Hailey an adorable nightgown (and a matching one for her baby doll). Unfortunately, at that time Hailey was in the "take my diaper off and pee or poop in the bed and play with it" mode, so we couldn't let her wear it!
 But, now that she's potty trained and wears undies to bed and it's getting cold out at night- it was the perfect time to let her wear the cute little nightgown!
 she pretty much looks cute in anything, but she looks especially cute in this, don't you think??
 she definitely enjoyed posing for the camera so that she could show Great Grandma Yetter how much she loved her nightgown! (or nighties as she called it...) :)
 Daddy got some pics of us while I was reading her bedtime story! (her favorite one is the creation story, because it has a picture of an octopus) ;)
Thanks, Grandma, for using your creative and amazing sewing skills to make a beautiful nightgown for my sweet little girl! I know that she and her sisters are all gonna get good use out of it! I love you and can only hope that someday I can create such adorable creations for my daughters, grandaughter and great- grandaughters! 

1 comment:

  1. Hailey looks soooo cute!! I love handmade clothes. There are some really really easy patterns out there. Some of my favorites are Pillowcase Dresses like this one but I think you can get as fancy or as plain as you want with them. :) SO CUTE!
