Sunday, March 13

Happy Birthday dearest Nani!

It was my Mom's birthday on Thursday and she came up and spent the day with her two favorite grandchildren! (I can say that for a few more months...) ;) It was a fun little day- I'm not really sure who had more fun Hailey or her Nani. Hailey and I had gone shopping a few days earlier for my mom's present and ever since then Hailey had been really excited about Nani's birthday- even practicing saying, "happy birthday". (she did have a hard time understanding that it was Nani's birthday and not her own "elmo birthday") :)
we made my mom a lemon blueberry "tart" instead of a birthday cake. I think she liked it! :)
I'm so thankful for my wonderful mother. She's been my hero for as long as I can remember and I think that Hailey just may take up any slack that I have in that area- she pretty much worships the ground my Mom walks on! I can't even tell her that we're going to Nani's house until we get there, because if we have to stop and run some errands on the way there she throws a HUGE fit and screams, "no Nani house" all the way through the store! (no kidding...this has actually happened) She even knows that we are almost there when we turn onto the road by my parent's a little girl who "forgets" everyday that she can't go in the snack cupboard can remember that is beyond me...
I can't blame Hailey, though, my Mom is a great woman of God and an amazing Nani- not to mention a great Mom. I always remember that my Mom was willing to listen to me, no matter what I had to say. She even let me follow her around the house, talking her ear off. I never realized how big of a deal that was until I had my own little talking daughter and now I know how precious silence can be and how much of a struggle it can be as a mom to give up that sweet silence for your child. I hope that that is a lesson that I can learn from my Mom and pass on to my daughter. Because my Mom never made me feel like it was a struggle to have me around, talking to her and copying her- she actually made it seem (to me, anyways) that it was nice to have me around. She isn't just been a great listener, my Mom has also taught me so much. She taught me to cook, to read my Bible, to forgive and forget, to grocery shop on a budget (one for which Korey will always be grateful...), to plan a menu and so many more things that it would be hard to put them all on here! My Mom is my best friend and I truly do thank God everyday that He blessed me so incredibly much by putting me in her life.

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