Monday, March 29

top reasons why I love being a mommy...

#5 Hailey finds friends everywhere she goes...even if it's just into the bedroom! :) But, I never tire of hearing her say "HI" and the adorable little smile and giggle that inevitable go with it.
#4 She's not much of a cuddle-bug, but I'm pretty sure she does love me...'cause she spends a good portion of her day attachted to my leg or in my arms! :)
#3 even when I'm in the dark with what to do in this great work of "parenting" I know that God is greater than all my mistakes and He has a grand plan for my beautiful daugther! (and I can't wait to see what it is and how He's going to work it out)
#2- If all else fails I can feed her a mandarin orange and she's as happy as a bug in a rug! :) I just love that she eats fruits, even if she doesn't like anything else, it does a mommy's heart good to see her baby enjoy fruit as much as Hailey does! (at least I have done one thing right so far...) :)
#1 The biggest reason I love being a mommy are those gorgeous blue eyes, the sweet little smile, the adorable little "mamy" she says, and now the amazing feeling of little baby "butterfly" kicks in my belly reminding me that I get to do this all over again! :)

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