Monday, March 22

Hailey's "finds"

Now that Hailey is getting around a little better she has been "finding" a lot of treasures! I don't pretend to understand the mind of a baby (and I'm actually rather thankful that I don't) but I don't really understand how these little treasures can be that enticing! :) And...just so you know, we do buy our daugther toys- she's not reduced to playing with random things that she picks up in the yard and the basement- she just prefers them to her store bought baby toys...and yet, we still try and entice her with them...go figure!
Here she is playing with a piece of pex tubing that daddy gave her when she was "puttering" around in the basement, helping him do some plumbing work on Saturday!
quick break to show you what I found...a big stain on Hailey's cute pink pants that I'm gonna have to try and get out!!
we went outside to play today, after lunch and she immediately got busy "finding" herself some treasures!

I think she found the perfect ones...but, it's a little harder to push the lion when your hands are full of treasures!!

Allie was wondering what all the fuss was about and decided to check out Hailey's new finds...
I don't think that made Hailey very happy....
But, she quickly got over it and decided to show mommy instead! Can you tell what they are??? (on a side note...hailey's new thing is handing me stuff and saying "t-you"!! I'm pretty sure she means to say thank you, but that's just too much for a baby to get out! ) :)

If you guessed a rock and a pinecone you are right! Pretty exciting stuff, huh?! :) Like I idea what made them so appealing, but I do know that the pinecone didn't make it to the door- it got shredded when we took a break, but, the rock survived and would have made it in the door had not her mother intervened and made it stay outside!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I read your '10 things about me' list on the LPM blog and had to laugh when I read your comment about going to the bathroom just to get a few minutes alone to read. I do that too! I have 2 little boys so sometimes hiding is necessary ;)

    I love your blog! I'm new to blogging so if you have time to visit, I'd love your feedback.

    May God richly bless you!
    ~ ~
