Saturday, September 28

my sister. my brother. my friend!

Hailey loves her little siblings...she really is a good big sister! She was dancing yesterday and Maelle wanted to dance with cute is that?! 
Maysen tipped over her chair at dinner and hailey felt so bad that she wanted to snuggle her :)

all the kiddos have been a little sick and they've been picking on each other a bit, but it's also been great to see them all come together to help one another! Jack was crying about his blanket and I told him that I couldn't help him and Hailey piped up "I'll help you, Jack". I just love how she steps up to do stuff like that! 
these 2 are the best of friends...I think there's nothing cuter than seeing them randomly holding hands or snuggling up together.
When Jackson was born it took Hailey almost 3 months before she would look at him or play with him. I was so sad and thinking that my kids were never going to be friends and love each other, but boy was I wrong and I'm sooo glad I was!! Sometimes, even when the "masses" are all melting down and the house is a mess and nothing seems to be going my way- I can thank God that I gave my children the chance to develop deep friendships with one another. I loved coming from a big family and always having someone to play with and I'm glad that I can give that to my own kiddos! 

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