Tuesday, February 23

busy, busy, busy...

Yup, that's what Hailey's been up to these days...lots of "busy"ness!!! I feel like I spend all of her awake time chasing after her and picking up after her. I know that it's been crazy for a while, but I feel like lately it's just been a lot worse- maybe it's just that I'm super tired and it feels worse, but for whatever reason I've been exhausted by the time she goes to bed at night! :) (and most days, even before that!!)
Her newest trick...opening two drawers and putting all of the baby dishes from the bottom drawer into the towels and potholders drawer. I'll probably be finding spoons and covers in that drawer for years!! (I guess I shouldn't give up my secret as to how often I actually empty and clean those drawers...) ;)
she also enjoys letting Allie lick all of the dishes...apparently they're not dirty enough if Hailey just sucks on them! :) Poor Korey unwittingly put his cottage cheese in a container from this drawer this morning for his lunch and got unpleasantly surprised by a cottage cheese full of doggy hair! :( ewwww!!!
When I finally am just exhausted I put her in her highchair for a snack of graham crackers...aren't her feet up on the side of the chair cute?! :) She's so relaxed!! (and flexible...I wish I could sit with my foot even remotely close to my chest!)
when it's dinner time she's been getting almost completely naked, 'cause she's been so messy...and STILL she needs a bath pretty much every evening! Her new trick...putting food in her hair and ears! Korey came home this afternoon and was completely grossed out because he could tell that she'd had stuffed shells and spaghetti sauce for lunch! :) this is actually the outfit that she started the day out in...unfortunately she had a huge poop at the Duran's and had to change outfits...always busy doing something! ;)
Hailey learned a new trick, lately- she's been standing alone! Yay! I think walking is just around the corner, but I probably shouldn't rush it...yikes! I think I'm running a lot and exhausted now!! :)

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