Friday, November 29

so much to be thankful for!

I love Thanksgiving. I love the holiday and I love the chance to look back on our life and think of what I'm thankful for. This year I just couldn't shake how thankful I am for Maysen and Maelle. It just seems like this year is so much easier than last year and soooo much different than Thanksgiving 2 years ago. As a family of 6 I feel like we are complete and happy and content. There are rough days and rough weeks when they all get sick...but, for the most part life isn't too incredibly overwhelming or hard. The last 2 weeks were rather hard with the croup going around our house, but this week has been so different and I am thankful for that. 2 Thanksgivings ago, I had no idea how overwhelming life would be with 4 kids so young and so close...and I am glad that as the twins grow life gets easier and easier- I keep a lot busier trying to keep up with them, but it's just not as weary-ing as it was when they were tiny babies. 
I'm so thankful for my sweet family and for laughter and giggles.
 I'm so glad that we can laugh, even when we wanna cry.
 I'm so glad we can giggle over sleepless nights and crazy antics.
 I'm so glad that when our kids are whiney and naughty and life seems to be falling apart all around us we can dissolve into a tickling match and all is well in the world. 
I'm so thankful for these 3...especially, for how proud this little girl is of her daddy's deer- how cute is that! 

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

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