Saturday, December 6

My favorite holiday is getting close!!

Christmas is my favorite holiday!! And I love all the excitement leading up to it! We are in full swing Christmas mode, here :) 
We helped Nani and papa find their perfect tree!we painted some pottery for Christmas presents! (I'm feeling incredibly proud of myself this year- I'm so on the ball...only a few presents left to get...might not manage to get Christmas cards out in time, but at least most people will get presents) :)
We made it to see Santa! Thankfully he comes in a line truck and makes a nice little stop at public service during their company Christmas party :)
Elli really loved Santa the best! She even put on her Santa pj's for the occasion! (And insisted that Macy wear hers, too) :) he may have broke her heart and trust when she asked for a Minnie Mouse doll and he gave her a bag of stuff that didn't include a Minnie Mouse doll! 
I think Macy liked Santa ok, but when all the kids ran to give him a hug as he left Macy just glared at him and refused to get any closer!
Nothing says Christmas like three kids perched atop an incredibly well decorated line truck :) 
Today we were able to partake in one of my favorite childhood Christmas traditions- the ladies Christmas tea at my parents church! We picked up my grandma on the way and it was a super fun time for all of us girls!! I just love this lady!! 

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