Sunday, September 14

A time of change...

It seems like the fall is always a time of big changes...the changing of weather & the leaves just sort of seem like the outward, most obvious show of what seems to be taking place in our little home and in my heart. I've been a bit absent on here because sometimes change is hard. There's usually the dying off of something and that's not always painless or easy. This year it's been particularly hard to get back on the swing of things; to transition back to school and rules and wake up times. Summer was so beautiful and so fun. Just a blessed time of running and freedom for all of us. Korey barely worked any overtime, so it was sweet to have him home. But, like all beautiful mountaintop experiences, it's a bit hard to leave that and go back. Jackson turned 4. Hailey started kindergarten (all day. every day). Korey started working long days and we were hit with a few overnight storms. It was a big fat dose of reality- all at once.
Honestly, I struggled. I'm still struggling a bit. I miss my big girl. She adds such joy, laughter and excitement to our house. There's a noticeable difference without our precious ring leader to guide us all. 
My little boy is becoming more and more like his daddy- which I LOVE, but it makes me miss the sweet little baby boy more and more. 
And, It's hard to be a mom doing it alone for days at a time. It's hard not to feel lonely- not to mention just plain tired, when your best friend is gone.
But, I'm so thankful that along with the hardness of change there is a beauty to be found in the sweet reminder of new things taking place of the old. Just how the fall comes to make way for winter and spring- we have to welcome in change to reap the sweet rewards that it brings.
 We started up our Wednesday night ministries at church and I get to teach the kindergarten class. I'm beyond excited to see my girl in action, to learn verses with her and to guide her and her sweet friends in their relationships with Jesus. 
My big boy has been really stepping up and taking charge of his little sisters. It's been fun to watch the 3 of them bond...we've been calling them our pack of hyenas :) and they are pretty much a tight little pack. I love seeing that. 
The twins have been getting cuter and cuter the older and more verbal they get. Today they were sitting by each other on the floor and Macy said "I love you" to elli, to which she responded "I love you. I really do" and put her arm on her shoulder. It was just a sweet moment that does a mommy's heart good to witness!
And...probably the biggest blessing of all has been that I set up my sewing machine again. I haven't sewn in years and it just felt good to get it out and make a little burp cloth and hem up some pants (it's truly the little things that make me happy) :) 
I'm looking forward to the rest of this fall and some of the fun changes that will be in store for us...I guess change can be exciting and fun! 

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