A few days ago my friend, Amanda, and I took our 7 children and went to our 3rd annual NICU picnic to celebrate our little miracles!! As we walked around and laughed at how much has changed in our lives in the past three years the biggest thing we kept coming back to was that our NICU stays (and specifically the children that stayed in them) have forever changed our lives. Her daughter, Lydia, took her family by surprise and made an early appearance in the world- totally throwing her family for a loop and leaving them completely changed. I think anytime that your life turns out different than you imagined you have a choice to fight against it and become bitter and hard or you can allow yourself to become changed by the situation. I like to think that my precious friend and I have been graciously shown the second option.
I know that there have been plenty of tears and a few little mommy tantrums...even some little fits thrown by this mommy...but because of these two precious girls who turned my life upside down about 3 1/2 years ago I am not the same person I was. I am changed and I am thankful. Every night when I put my twins to bed I pray with them and tell them that they are the best thing that ever happened to me and not a day goes by that I can't say that honestly. I know that these two have brought some of the hardest times and the biggest blessings into my life and I am so glad that I was given the chance to be their mommy!
Elli couldn't wait to hold the "cow bunny" and Macy just loved the one with the pink eyes!
this picture makes me laugh so hard because Macy asked the lady if she could have a crown and the girl painted a clown on her face and she was so happy with it! this girl just cracks me up. I still don't know if she thought it was a crown, a princess or just loved the attention we all showered on her :) |
Our group...all girls and one little Jack thrown in the mix :)
Poor Lydia couldn't find the clown nose that she won, so she missed out on the picture...
I do think we make up quite a stunning group!! I think Amanda should think about growing a mustache and I'm going to look into finding a giant sombrero to wear...I really think I rocked that thing!
poor Macy and Elli- all we wanted was a cute little picture of them and they kept getting photo bombed by their silly siblings :)
we had to end the night with the bunnies, too! They are, by far, our favorite part of the night each year!!